2012年2月24日 星期五

pray 30 hour famine

pray ====================================== 1 Mat 14:19 於是吩咐眾人坐在草地上,就拿著這五個餅,兩條魚,望著天祝福,擘開餅,遞給門徒,門徒又遞給眾人。 Mat 14:20 他們都吃,並且吃飽了;把剩下的零碎收拾起來,裝滿了十二個籃子。 Mat 14:21 吃的人,除了婦女孩子,約有五千。 ============================================= Discussion questions for Matthew 14:19-21 1) How do you think God feels about the hungry? Jesus decide to feed Crowd 2) How does this passage relate to the game we just played? 3) What does this passage say about how God can use us to help care for his children who are hungry? Cowork with Jesus ============================================= 2 Mat 25:36 我赤身露體,你們給我穿;我病了、你們看顧我;我在監裡,你們來看我。』 Discussion questions for Matthew 25:36 1) Have you ever been really sick or in need and had someone let you down? Yes, UDOT Or have you experienced the opposite and had someone care for you when you were hurting? How did it feel? God is always with me and my family 2) What do you think this passage means? Love brothers and sisters each other 3) Why is helping someone who is sick or in need so important? we have living faith to God ============================================= 3 Joh 4:13 耶穌回答說:「凡喝這水的還要再渴; Joh 4:14 人若喝我所賜的水就永遠不渴。我所賜的水要在他裡頭成為泉源,直湧到永生。」 Discussion questions for John 4:13-14 1) How did it feel being responsible for bringing water back for your tribe? How do you think you’d feel as a mother trying to carry enough water for her family? 2) What do you think this Scripture passage means? 3) How does it relate to the game we just played? ============================================= 4 Deu 31:8 耶和華必在你前面行;他必與你同在,必不撇下你,也不丟棄你。不要懼怕,也不要驚惶。」 Discussion questions for Deuteronomy 31:8 1) Have you ever been afraid during a storm or another time of crisis? My losted work How did it feel to be uncertain of what would happen? desper 2) How could this passage provide comfort in a time of need? we wont leave God 3) How does it relate to the game we just played? ============================================= 5 Luk 6:20 耶穌舉目看著門徒,說:你們貧窮的人有福了!因為神的國是你們的。 Luk 6:21 你們飢餓的人有福了!因為你們將要飽足。你們哀哭的人有福了!因為你們將要喜笑。 Discussion questions for Luke 6:20-21 1) What does this passage mean to you? althrough we poor, we have God with us 2) Have you learned more than you thought you would today? yes Does anything in particular stand out? finally and satisfy with Him 3) How will what you’ve learned through this experience have a continuing impact on your life? following Him and trust in Him. =====================================
