2013年2月9日 星期六
Reinhard BONNKE
Christ for all nations
BONNKE, REINHARD WILLI GOTTFRIED (1940- ). International evangelist.
Reinhard Willi Gottfiied Bonnke was born in Koenigsberg, Germany, on April 19, 1940,
the son of a Pentecostal pastor belonging to the Federation of Free Pentecostal Churches
(Bund Freier Pfingstneinden EBFP]).
Educated in Wales, he met George Jeffreys (1889-1962) as a youth.
From his earliest days he felt called to be a missionary to Africa.
His marriage to Anna Sulzle in 1964 produced three children:
Kai-uwe (1966), Gabriele (1967), and Susanne (1969).
After several years as a pastor and evangelist in Germany, he arrived in Africa in May 1967.
The Elim Pentecostal Church is a growing Movement of
more than 550 Christian congregations in the UK and Ireland.
Elim was founded in 1915 by George Jeffreys(1889-1962),
a young Christian from Maesteg in South Wales.
Jeffreys and a group of friends, known as the Elim Evangelistic Band,
preached, started churches and witnessed a move of God
that was characterised by miraculous healings and an explosion
in the number of people becoming Christians.
2008,2009 visited Taiwan.
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